possible bug in IM 6.4.0-3 Q16

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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possible bug in IM 6.4.0-3 Q16

Post by fmw42 »


I just upgraded from IM 6.3.8-11 Q16 to 6.4.0-3 Q16 and tried to run a script that I had developed that I thought? had been working before, but had not finalized it and had it on hold for a while. Now when I run it, I get an error. I took the line that was giving the error and converted it to a simple command line and tested that, but still get an error. Here is the text from my terminal window:

convert lena.png \( lena.png -convolve "1,2,1,2,4,2,1,2,1" \) -compose minus +swap -composite \
-colorspace Gray -blur 0x1.0 -contrast-stretch 0% -black-threshold 25% tmp.png

magick/list.c:1061: failed assertion `(*images)->signature == MagickSignature'
Abort trap

What this line does is take a 24-bit color image (lena.png http://www.fmwconcepts.com/misc_tests/lena.png see below, but any 24-bit color image is fine to use for you to test), convolve it with a binomial low pass filter, subtract that result from the original to form a high pass edge image, convert the edges to grayscale, blur it a little, linearly stretch the gray scales to range between full black and white and then threshold at 25% to make any gray level below go to pure black.

identify lena.png
lena.png PNG 256x256 256x256+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 177.477kb

Can someone tell me if I am making a mistake or is this a bug in the current IM.


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Re: possible bug in IM 6.4.0-3 Q16

Post by magick »

Try ImageMagick 6.4.0-4 Beta sometime tomorrow. We have a patch for the +swap option that fixes the problem you reported.
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Re: possible bug in IM 6.4.0-3 Q16

Post by fmw42 »

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