ImageMagick 6.4.1 seems not able to use ^ resize flag in PHP

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ImageMagick 6.4.1 seems not able to use ^ resize flag in PHP

Post by janjaap »

Dear ImageMagick experts,

I am trying to execute the folowing command:

convert ./pc_cache/tmp/news/abc83e780964353188226c4cd2dc874c_tmp.jpg -background White -flatten -resize 102x77^ -gravity center -crop 102x77+0+0 +repage -quality 85 ./pc_cache/tmp/news/abc83e780964353188226c4cd2dc874c.jpg

It works fine from shell but not at all from PHP. I have tried multiple configurations and just when removing the ^resize flag it will also work from PHP.

How is this possible?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Regards,
Jan Jaap
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