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Casual segfaults

Posted: 2007-10-02T03:50:31-07:00
by Armani
I'm running a server daemon written in c++ that is using MagickWand to rescale JPEG images or render watermarks on it.
Some days ago I've updated imagemagick from version 6.3.3 to
Since this time my daemon segfaulted occasionally. After about 100 processed images the daemon crashes. It was reproducable.
So I've downgraded imagemagick to version 6.3.4 and recompiled my applicationb to link agains the new version. Still the same effect.
Then I've downgraded imagemagick again back to 6.3.3, recompiled my application again, and everything was working well again.
The coredumps I got have been unusable, no symbols could be resolved. I tried to attach with gdb to the process, but after a crash not backtrace was possible either.
So I was only able to notice that there is something wrong, but had not chance to go into it.

Now I have the same effect on another server. Segfaults after some minutes with imagemagick version and 6.3.4, but no problems anymore with version 6.3.3.

The systems where I encountered this phaenomena:
1. CPU: 2 x Intel Xeon CPU E5345 (Quad Core) -> 8 Cores
OS: Gentoo Linux 1.12.9
Kernel: x86_64 SMP
GCC: 3.4.6

2. CPU: 2 x Intel Xeon CPU 3,2GHz (Single Core, Hyperthread) -> 4 Cores
OS: openSUSE 10.2 (i586)
Kernel: i686 SMP
GCC: 3.4.6

Please let me know if I can provide you with further information.


Re: Casual segfaults

Posted: 2007-10-02T09:00:15-07:00
by magick
We fixed a memory leak in ImageMagick 6.3.6-0 which may solve the problem you are having. If you get a chance, try it and let us know if it fixes the problem you reported.