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Including DNG Non-destructive Edits

Posted: 2007-09-15T04:12:03-07:00
by StudioStiles
I just downloaded the latest version of ImageMagick for XP and 8 bit (ImageMagick-6.3.5-8-Q8-windows-dll.exe). I am trying to convert DNG files to various size JPG so I can load them to my website and burn to disk to the client. I tried using a simple convert command on a single file before scripting to run against 1k files and ran into issues. I searched this board and even prefixed the input file name with "DNG:" as suggested. That made the conversion give me a totally black image.

What I have noticed is that the non-destructive edits (crop, conversation to B&W, white balance, exposure changes, etc.) that makes using DNG format so great, are not being picked up. It's my understanding that all the edits made by the Lightroom or CS2/3, follow the DNG spec. I'm hoping that ImageMagick can see these edits and do the same since there is a lot of power in this tool vs. the overhead of the Adobe products.

Original Negative: ... ay_264.dng

Target Output using Lightroom: ... ay_264.jpg

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Including DNG Non-destructive Edits

Posted: 2007-10-25T17:17:33-07:00
by StudioStiles
Ok, I have been playing around with the lightroom settings with my DNG edits. I think I have all these changes being saved within the DNG file. If I run:

convert dng:file.dng file.jpg --- I still get a black jpg file.

But when I run:
convert file.dng file.jpg --- I get the following error
convert: file.dng: unknown field with tag 34858 (0x882a) encountered. `TIFFReadDirectory'.
convert: LensInfo: Rational with zero denominator (num = 0). `file.dng'.