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Problem with CMYK jpgs

Posted: 2007-07-12T01:07:47-07:00
by kleinstadtmc
i try to resize photos with imagemagick and save them as a new jpg to show it on a website
after some problems everything seemed to work
but if i try to use CMYK jpgs i will get no new image
so anthony means it can be a bug so i report here...

here is the link to a photo with cmyk:

here is my code:

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/php-smed/convert freundinnen.jpg -density 72x72 -colorspace RGB -units PixelsPerInch final.jpg
when i use this code with rgb image i get a final.jpg if i use it with cmyk image i get no final.jpg

Re: Problem with CMYK jpgs

Posted: 2007-07-12T06:39:28-07:00
by magick
Are you using ImageMagick 6.3.5-0? If so we have a patch in 6.3.5-1 to fix the problem. If not, we're not sure what the problem is because we can produce CMYK and RGB JPEG images from your input image without complaint.