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Correct permissions for reading and writing images

Posted: 2007-03-15T10:40:35-07:00
by eholz1
Hello Magickwand and php group,
I am having trouble setting permissions correctly so that the magickwand api (php 5.2) can read and
write images. I usually read a file from one directory, create a magickwand resource from that file,
and transform the image, and save the new image with a new name to a different directory.

I have seen that my file and folder permissions when set incorrectly, will definitely cause problems!
Below is a copy of an error message I get when I try to read an image and write, etc.

Fatal Error: magickreadimage(): C API cannot read the file
(reason: unable to open image `/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/portfolios/25/coffeeandcars.JPG':
Permission denied) [on C source line 392] (# 256).

Error in line 58 of file '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/portfolios/thumbmaker.php'.

Script: '/portfolios/thumbmaker.php'.

I have tried setting the owner and group to apache.apache, and apache.webdev (webdev is a group I created, where the apache user and another user are a member). I am running the Apache web server as the user "apache".

Any suggestions on the correct permissions to get the read and writes to work??


Re: Correct permissions for reading and writing images

Posted: 2007-03-15T13:15:40-07:00
by squig

Be sure to check if your apache user is also able to read and write files from the specified directories.
Can you post your current folder permissons?


Re: Correct permissions for reading and writing images

Posted: 2007-03-15T14:39:25-07:00
by eholz1
hello squig

here are the permissions for the folder (25):
drw-rw-rw- 3 apache webdev 4.0K Mar 15 09:59 25

and here are the permissions for the files under "25" 25/...
-rwxrwxrwx 1 apache webdev 69K Mar 15 09:55 coffeeandcars.JPG
-rwxrwxrwx 1 apache webdev 69K Mar 15 09:59 son_cher.jpg
drwxrwxrwx 2 apache webdev 4.0K Mar 15 09:43 thumbs
-rwxrwxrwx 1 apache webdev 197K Mar 15 09:57 xcoffee.JPG

I have also tried using owner: apache and group: apache - with similar results, no can read/write
I am running Fedora Core 6, and if I use the gui to set permissions, the owner: Create and Delete
for folders, and owner: r/w for image files, and group (webdev) r/w for image files. I wonder if there is some sort of conflict between setting permissions from the command line as opposed to using the Gnome filebrowser, and the right-click, etc??


Re: Correct permissions for reading and writing images

Posted: 2007-03-19T13:16:55-07:00
by squig

I'm sorry for not answering sooner.
There shouldn't be any type of conflict by setting file permissions with different tools.

I also haven't any idea why there is this read/write conflict. For me the permissions just like fine.


Re: Correct permissions for reading and writing images

Posted: 2007-03-19T13:31:52-07:00
by squig

just found your other posting. Please have a look at:
