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memory allocation error even with -limit

Posted: 2007-02-15T14:17:31-07:00
by chanoy

I've been searching the forum to find a solution to my problem.

I have a PGM that is 321285x3570 (~1GB in size), and I'm trying to create a thumbnail using the following command:

convert -depth 8 -size 250x250 -thumbnail 125x125 test.pgm test_th.pgm

I get "convert: memory allocation error".

So I try to use the -limit option

convert -limit memory 16 -limit map 16 -depth 8 -size 250x250 -thumbnail 125x125 test.pgm test_th.pgm

Still doesn't work. Anything else I should try?

My computer specs is as follow:
2.79 GHz Pentium 4
9 GB of free hard drive when I run this test

I'm using ImageMagick 6.2.8 Q16

Thanks for your time,

Re: memory allocation error even with -limit

Posted: 2007-02-15T15:56:07-07:00
by magick
Can you post a URL to your image so we can download and try to reproduce the problem.

Re: memory allocation error even with -limit

Posted: 2007-02-16T10:47:59-07:00
by chanoy
I'm having trouble finding a place where I can upload such a big file for you to access... I'll let you know when it's done.


Re: memory allocation error even with -limit

Posted: 2007-02-16T13:04:37-07:00
by chanoy

My company has a Dropbox tool that I can use to transfer file. The way it works is I need to provide the receiver e-mail address and upload the file onto Dropbox. Then it will send receiver a link to where it can be downloaded. Can you let me know the e-mail address you would like me to send the link to? (i.e. something like or something I would think)


Re: memory allocation error even with -limit

Posted: 2007-02-17T19:39:16-07:00
by magick
Try downloading the Q8 version of ImageMagick. It may work for you. We tried an image at the same dimensions as yours with Q16 and it worked but we have 2GB of memory and 250GB of free disk.

Re: memory allocation error even with -limit

Posted: 2007-02-19T09:05:18-07:00
by chanoy

I realize what the problem is now. There is not enough hard disk. I trying the same thing on a computer with 504MB RAM and 18GB, and it works fine. Apparently, the first thing convert does is create a ~11GB temp file in the IM temp folder for converting that image. Thanks for all of your help.
