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How to update a local copy with a never beta release?

Posted: 2007-01-21T03:19:42-07:00
by Bunkai

often I need to wait for never version of ImageMagick, for example because of a bug fix removal. So far I always downloaded never release version, and generated source code for Visual Studio.

However, often I get reccomended to download beta version, and so far it never got compilled on my computer, although I downloaded "windows beta" version.

is there any way how to move only cruical files to my already working Image Magick configuration, to get it updated? If yes, what folders should be coppied?

Thank you and with regards..

Posted: 2007-01-21T18:46:06-07:00
by anthony
What OS, and system are you using, and what 'crucle file' are you talking about?

Posted: 2007-01-22T01:23:18-07:00
by Bunkai
Hello Anthony,

an example. I needed to use Magick++ Image::Extent() method, and since it was not implemented, Magick, who is a developer, said, it will be available in the following beta version, so I could download it.

I use Windows XP, and Visual Studio 2006, and Magick++.

It happens to me, that release verions get compiled fine, however beta versions do not get compiled because of errors. However, those are beta versions, so I can understand that.

With regards,