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PerlMagick installation on Windows

Posted: 2007-01-02T11:39:38-07:00
by rmabry
This is a first step toward a smooth and proper installation of PerlMagick on Windows.

In PerlMagick/Makefile.nt there is the line,

Code: Select all

    'LIBS'      => ['-L..\VisualMagick\lib -L..\VisualMagick\bin -lCORE_RL_magick_.lib'],
which seems not nice to those of us who build the (default) Debug version, assuming as it does the Release build. So I always first change it to the following, adding the corresponding DB library.

Code: Select all

    'LIBS'      => ['-L..\VisualMagick\lib -L..\VisualMagick\bin -lCORE_DB_magick_.lib -lCORE_RL_magick_.lib'],
This works, even though a warning is reported.
Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lCORE_RL_magick_.lib

There is probably a more elegant solution, but in any case, can something like this be added?