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jp2 conversion problem

Posted: 2006-06-29T11:56:42-07:00
by chanoy

I am trying to convert some large jpeg2000 images into ppm format. I want to know how much time it will take to convert depending on the image size. So I created these images: 2500.jp2, 5000.jp2, 10000.jp2, 15000.jp2 (so the size of the first one is 2500x2500, etc).

This is the result I got (using ImageMagick-6.2.8-1-Q16):

JP2 --> PPM
2500x2500 took 5 seconds
5000x5000 took 22 seconds

10000x10000 took a while and gives me the following error:
error: cannot decode code stream
convert: unable to decode ImageFile "10000.jp2"

15000x15000 gives me the above error almost instantly.

So is there a cap on how large a jp2 can be converted to a ppm? Is it a memory problem?

The machine I'm using have enough RAM/Processing power to convert a 15000x15000 jpg to PPM in ~5min.

Thanks for any help,

Posted: 2006-06-29T12:09:04-07:00
by magick
ImageMagick can process terabyte images but some formats require delegates libraries that are not designed to handle large images. The exception you received came from the JP2 delegate library, not ImageMagick. It is thrown by the jas_image_decode() method. Consult with the authors of the JP2 delegate library for additional help.

Posted: 2006-06-29T12:14:49-07:00
by chanoy