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Problem with multiple calls to convert on same HTML page

Posted: 2006-06-16T09:36:12-07:00
by Ryan Nutt
I've got an image script that calls convert if needed to covert and then cache a grayscale or sepia version of an image - the color version is already saved on disk. It works fine, but if I have multiple calls to the script all running the conversion the page just sits there never displaying the image.

This is on a WinXP server running Apache 2.0.55, PHP 5.1.4 and ImageMagick 6.2.8. On my Linux development server running Apache 2.0.48, PHP 4.3.4, and ImageMagick 6.2.2 it works perfectly.

Best guess is that it's an issue of convert being called several times at the same time. But that doesn't explain why it would work on the Linux server and not the Windows server.