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Convert transparant psd results in image with cyan noise

Posted: 2006-05-30T02:03:33-07:00
by hugo
Hi there,

I'm not sure whether this is a bug, or just me.
I'm trying to convert some random psd files on our server, which are product photo's, with an transparant background.
However the resulting jpg or png (tried both) allways results in an image with cyan noise at the background. The resulting image can be found here: ... pi-rgb.jpg

The image is converted with the following command:
convert testimage4-72dpi-rgb.psd -flatten testimage4-72dpi-rgb.jpg

The original image can be found on: ... pi-rgb.psd

The photo's are imported via de raw import function in photoshop. Edited there, and saved as .psd.
I'm using the latest stable version of ImageMagick 6.2.7 both on windows and linux.
Version: ImageMagick 6.2.7 05/26/06 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ImageMagick Studio LLC

Anyone with suggestions? I've searched the forums, but cannot find anyting related to this.

Posted: 2006-06-06T01:40:07-07:00
by hugo
I also noticed that things like drop shadows will not be visible in the generated png.
Is there any status on implementing such features ?
