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Posted: 2006-04-06T17:01:42-07:00
by magick
You found a bug in the PNG coder. The conversion seems to work fine for other formats such as MIFF, GIF, PBM, etc. We will apply a patch to ImageMagick 6.2.7 Beta. The only workaround we can think of is to compensate for the inversion with the -negate option.

Posted: 2006-04-07T07:40:52-07:00
by magick
The TIFF conversion worked fine for us with ImageMagick 6.2.6-8 the current release. The PNG coder is fixed in ImageMagick 6.2.7 Beta. Thanks for bringing this problem to our attention.

Posted: 2006-04-07T09:37:45-07:00
by magick
Understood. Our conclusion is that ImageMagick 6.2.2 and below and ImageMagick 6.2.6-7 can read/write your monochrome TIFF image just fine. 6.2.6-7 has a problem writing it to PNG. ImageMagick 6.2.7 Beta can read/write monochrome TIFF and PNG without any problems.