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Convert raw image without altering its appearence

Posted: 2019-03-13T11:33:28-07:00
by Babu
I'm new to ImageMagick and was wondering how I could go about converting raw files without altering how I captured them. The sort of things I'm try to prevent are images that are purposely underexposed being brightened up or having their white balance shift to a warm yellow, black and whites being colorized, etc.
I'm processing a large volume of mixed images so sorting through them and applying specific flags to each sorted batch is not ideal.

Re: Convert raw image without altering its appearence

Posted: 2019-03-13T11:55:39-07:00
by fmw42
I have moved your post from the Consulting forum to the Users forum, since the consulting forum is for PAID consulting as it says under the link to the forum.

I am not an expert on raw format images. So perhaps one of the other uses may be able to help further.


Please, always provide your IM version and platform when asking questions, since syntax may differ.

Also provide your exact command line and your images, if possible.

See the top-most post in this forum "IMPORTANT: Please Read This FIRST Before Posting" at ... f=1&t=9620

If using Imagemagick 7, then see

For novices, see ... f=1&t=9620 ... essing.php

Re: Convert raw image without altering its appearence

Posted: 2019-05-28T13:52:07-07:00
by seoking
It's not really possible to do it losslessly, for a variety of reasons. Raw images pixel patterns don't map to your typical raster formats, for one; a raw images will usually have more green pixels than red or blue, and the grid arrangement isn't the same. Plus, raw images live in a much larger color space than your typical raster formats, and almost certainly larger than your monitor.

Plus, if you didn't get photos of reference patterns, or at least a basic gray, you'll have a tough time finding an objective reference point for your color adjust.

You can try using a tool like dcraw, though my preferred workflow for raw is to use darktable, though sometimes I'll use hugin. Bottom line, though, is you need to work with some HDR-capable tools while you figure out what settings work well for your photos.