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How to pass a var into the "new" magick script engine ?

Posted: 2018-08-14T01:31:07-07:00
by markmarques
I know that the new imagemagick V7 has a "new" script engine but I ca not see any documentation related to it...
I have some DOS batch and even shell scripts that I would like to convert into the new script format in order to unify them.

How to pass a argument | varaiables to the new script ?
Are there any example script ?

Any input is welcome ...

Re: How to pass a var into the "new" magick script engine ?

Posted: 2018-08-14T08:12:38-07:00
by snibgo
For the changes within IM, including command line and internal IM scripting, see

IM has no control over scripting facilities provided by your shell, eg bash or Windows CMD or Windows BAT. They will continue to work as before, and shells will translate environment variables to strings and pass values to IM as before.

If you want examples of BAT scripts that use script parameters and environment variables, see most of my pages.

Re: How to pass a var into the "new" magick script engine ?

Posted: 2018-08-14T09:52:36-07:00
by fmw42