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mp4 to animated gif using ImageMagick

Posted: 2018-08-02T16:49:23-07:00
by tedriley
Hi friends, have any of you encountered this use case? Using Rails 5 on a project to do this and wasn't able to find anything on StackOverflow. Hoping to convert an mp4 to an animated gif using ImageMagick. Any help is greatly appreciated, or just a point to a tutorial or the right direction. Many thanks! 8)

Re: mp4 to animated gif using ImageMagick

Posted: 2018-08-02T16:59:19-07:00
by fmw42
I believe to be able to convert mp4, you need ffmpeg loaded where ImageMagick could find it. If that is available, then the following should work in the command line. Sorry I do not know Rails.

Code: Select all

convert -delay X image.mp4 -loop 0 animation.gif
If that does not work, then try

Code: Select all

convert -delay X image.mp4 -coalesce -layers optimize -loop 0 animation.gif
Where X is the desired frame delay in ticks (1/100 s)

See also

Please, always provide your IM version and platform when asking questions, since syntax may differ. Also provide your exact command line and if possible your images.

See the top-most post in this forum "IMPORTANT: Please Read This FIRST Before Posting" at ... f=1&t=9620

If using Imagemagick 7, then see

For novices, see ... f=1&t=9620 ... essing.php