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Convert EPS to JPG or PNG doesn't work

Posted: 2018-07-25T10:42:34-07:00
by MisterJpa

- Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-7 Q16 x86_64 2018-07-19
- Working on mac : Yosemite 10.10.5

I'm trying to convert a file called test.eps into another format : png or jpeg (I will need both at the end :lol: )
However, I'm having the following couple of command / errors :

convert test.eps test.png
--> convert: no images defined `test.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3275.

magick test.eps test.png
magick: no images for write '-write' 'test.png' at CLI arg 2 @ error/operation.c/CLINoImageOperator/4750.

I have tried several other way to write the command (adding density for the conversion, adding EPS: before test.eps name cause I read it on other topics viewtopic.php?f=3&t=33182&p=151909&hili ... ed#p151909)) but I'm always facing the same issue.

The eps file is available here :
But I think it's not related to the EPS as I've tried with other EPS and it was not working neither.

Thanks by advance for you help,

Re: Convert EPS to JPG or PNG doesn't work

Posted: 2018-07-25T11:20:22-07:00
by snibgo
"-verbose" may show the version of Ghostscript used. If older than about 9.19, I suggest you try an upgrade.

The conversion works fine with IM v6.9.9-50 and v7.0.7-28 with GS 9.19 on Windows 8.1. There may be a bug in newer IM or GS.

Re: Convert EPS to JPG or PNG doesn't work

Posted: 2018-07-26T01:43:11-07:00
by MisterJpa

My issue was that Ghostscript was not installed.

Reading documentation, I see that it's also use to convert PDF files. Can be useful for the future :)

Thanks for the help.