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Layermask in PSD file

Posted: 2018-06-28T07:16:22-07:00
by pherms

I have several PSD files, which contain 1 layer with a layermask on it.

Now I would like to use imagemagick v7.0.8 to generate a new image which only contains that part of the image which is visible when this layermask is applied.
For some reason though I cannot get it to work. The only result is that I get the alpha channel, but that's not what I want.

I have tried this command:
magick composite 15364.psd -alpha off -compose copy_opacity 15364-alpha.png. This only gives me the alpha channel, so I get a transparent background.

I'm kind of stuck on this and I hope somebody can help me with this problem.

Thank you in advance.

Re: Layermask in PSD file

Posted: 2018-06-28T08:55:26-07:00
by snibgo
pherms wrote:...which only contains that part of the image which is visible when this layermask is applied.
Okay, but what do you want in the other parts of the result? If your command makes the other pixels transparent, you can then flatten against any colour you want.

The results of your command will depend on how many images ImageMagick finds in the PSD file, and their order. I think IM can't read PSD layermasks.

If you upload the PSD to somewhere and paste a link, perhaps we can advise further.