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Convert PDF to .TIF

Posted: 2018-04-13T17:39:34-07:00
by vargheseg
I used the following command to convert a pdf file to .tif format and was successful.

convert 123.pdf file 123.tif file.

1. All the objects including some text and a wave form on the PDF came very small - the reduction in size was proportionate for all object. How do I make the size of the object in pDF file the same as in pdf file

2. The resolution of all all objects was very much on the lower side. What option do I use or play around with to get this better - as close I see on the .pdf document

Re: Convert PDF to .TIF

Posted: 2018-04-13T18:22:39-07:00
by snibgo
I've moved your question to a new topic.

A PDF file has dimension in inches (or centimetres), but ImageMagick is more concerned with pixels. By default, IM tells Ghostscript to rasterize the PDF at 72 pixels per inch, but you can change this with "-density XX" before the input PDF, where XX is any number you want.

Re: Convert PDF to .TIF

Posted: 2018-04-13T20:16:57-07:00
by vargheseg
Thanks for your useful feedback, i got good result, but when I took the density to 200, the file size almost doubled. Is there any workaround on that.

Also the the dimensions gets reduced so significantly, by a factor of 3, on the whole image. Do you have any feedback

Appreciate your help

Re: Convert PDF to .TIF

Posted: 2018-04-13T20:39:57-07:00
by fmw42
try adding -compress lzw before the output

Code: Select all

convert -density 200 123.pdf -compress lzw 123.tif

Code: Select all

convert -density 288 123.pdf -resize 25% -compress lzw 123.tif

Re: Convert PDF to .TIF

Posted: 2018-04-15T21:36:31-07:00
by vargheseg
thanks for all you ehlp, worked out well

Re: Convert PDF to .TIF

Posted: 2018-04-23T11:28:06-07:00
by vargheseg
Is the usage of lzw compression - copyrighted . Can we use Flate compression algorithm

Re: Convert PDF to .TIF

Posted: 2018-04-23T22:10:37-07:00
by snibgo
vargheseg wrote:Is the usage of lzw compression - copyrighted .
Perhaps you mean: is LZW patented? According to ... 80%93Welch , all LZW patents have expired.
vargheseg wrote:Can we use Flate compression algorithm
I've never heard "Flate". Perhaps it is another name for "Zip". Use "convert -list compress" for a list of available compression methods.

Re: Convert PDF to .TIF

Posted: 2018-04-23T22:39:13-07:00
by vargheseg
Thanks for the feedback

Re: Convert PDF to .TIF

Posted: 2018-04-23T23:17:14-07:00
by fmw42
Imagematick does not have a flate compression. See ... ssion.html. It is similar to LZW, but for PDF files as far as I can tell and not for applying to TIFF files.