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Corrupt input may lead to crash

Posted: 2017-04-13T16:27:27-07:00
by mi
I tried to identify an image, while it was still being saved by scanimage. Instead of either successfully identifying or outputting an error-message, the utility crashed. Using ImageMagick 6.9.6-4 Q16 amd64 2017-03-15 on FreeBSD. According to gdb, the stack is:

Code: Select all

Core was generated by `identify corrupt.png'.
Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
#0  0x0000000803d74b7a in thr_kill () from /lib/
(gdb) where
#0  0x0000000803d74b7a in thr_kill () from /lib/
#1  0x0000000803d74ab6 in raise () from /lib/
#2  0x0000000803d73259 in abort () from /lib/
#3  0x0000000800b1d789 in ?? () from /opt/lib/
#4  0x0000000803a25a3b in ?? () from /lib/
#5  0x0000000803a2511c in ?? () from /lib/
#6  <signal handler called>
#7  0x0000000803d74b7a in thr_kill () from /lib/
#8  0x0000000803d74ab6 in raise () from /lib/
#9  0x0000000803d73259 in abort () from /lib/
#10 0x0000000800b1d789 in ?? () from /opt/lib/
#11 0x0000000803a25a3b in ?? () from /lib/
#12 0x0000000803a2511c in ?? () from /lib/
#13 <signal handler called>
#14 0x0000000807095228 in ?? () from /opt/lib/ImageMagick-6.9.6/modules-Q16HDRI/coders/
#15 0x0000000800a83192 in ReadImage () from /opt/lib/
#16 0x0000000800b96ec0 in ReadStream () from /opt/lib/
#17 0x0000000800a82bee in PingImage () from /opt/lib/
#18 0x0000000800a82e28 in PingImages () from /opt/lib/
#19 0x0000000800f31054 in IdentifyImageCommand () from /opt/lib/
#20 0x0000000800f64f19 in MagickCommandGenesis () from /opt/lib/
#21 0x0000000000400c14 in ?? ()
#22 0x0000000000400adf in ?? ()
#23 0x0000000800622000 in ?? ()
#24 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
With the completed scan ImageMagick has no problems -- identifying, converting, and displaying the image properly. But if the library can crash like this from corrupted input, it can be used to DOS a server or, perhaps, even allow an attacker to break-in by carefully crafting the fake "image" file.

I see no way to attach a file on this site -- please, download the test file from my server.

Please, fix.

Re: Corrupt PNG leads to SIGABRT

Posted: 2017-04-13T17:29:59-07:00
by magick
Unfortunately we cannot reproduce the problem. We get expected results with ImageMagick 6.9.6-4 under CentOS 7 compiled with the gcc address sanitizer enabled:

Code: Select all

-> identify corrupt.png
identify: unable to read image data `corrupt.png' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/942.

Re: Corrupt PNG leads to SIGABRT

Posted: 2017-04-14T07:35:50-07:00
by glennrp
The test file actually contains a corrupt PPM file with the .png extension.
studio> od -c corrupt.png | head
0000000 P 6 \n # S A N E d a t a f
0000020 o l l o w s \n 2 7 5 2 4 6 0 4
0000040 \n 2 5 5 \n 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377
0000060 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377
"identify corrupt.ppm" also rejects the file if the extension is changed to .ppm

Re: Corrupt input may lead to crash

Posted: 2017-04-14T09:43:21-07:00
by mi
Unfortunately we cannot reproduce the problem. We get expected results with ImageMagick 6.9.6-4 under CentOS 7 compiled with the gcc address sanitizer enabled
Khmm... I doubt, this is OS-specific, but it may be compiler-specific -- FreeBSD uses clang by default ("cc" means clang-3.4.1 here, although later versions are available too). Also, -fstack-protector is among CFLAGS by default.

Could this be the reason for the observed differences in behavior?
The test file actually contains a corrupt PPM file with the .png extension.
Indeed! This must be, how scanimage works -- outputs the data in PPM and then converts into the format requested. Good to know. Also, the crash, according to gdb, is inside PNM-module, not PNG. But it still should not crash :)