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Transparent caption text

Posted: 2017-02-22T05:01:14-07:00
by robocop
Hi folks!

I was wondering if it is possible to make a caption text fully transparent.

Code: Select all

convert -background lightblue -fill blue -font Candice -size 320x140 \
          caption:'This text is resized to best fill the space given.' \
I tried with -fill none and didn't have any success.

What would be the correct method?

Thank you

Re: Transparent caption text

Posted: 2017-02-22T07:21:10-07:00
by snibgo
A method is:

Code: Select all

convert -size 320x140 caption:Hello -alpha copy -fill Red -colorize 100 x.png

Re: Transparent caption text

Posted: 2017-02-27T01:35:52-07:00
by robocop
Thank you snibgo!

I tried the code and unfortunately it just gave a red canvas.

I will attempt to upgrade my imagemagick on Ubuntu and try this again.
