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Install error: Unable to execute file PPM ShellExecuteEx failed

Posted: 2014-11-27T09:59:17-07:00
When I install I get this error: Unable to execute file PPM ShellExecuteEx failed; code 2 The system cannot find specified file.

After clicking OK the installer finished ok and I can run convert from the commandline.

However, the ImageMagicKObject does not get registered and cannot be seen by VB6. I suspect the Install error and failing to get the ImageMagicKObject registered are related.

I followed several suggestions from earlier posts such as

1 Moving ImageMagicKObject to Windows system32 folder
2. Manually registering using: regsvr32 /c /s ImageMagickObject.dll
3. Moving ImageMagickObject.dll to the modules folder
4. Manually browse to the dll from <Project><References>
5. Reinstalled a dozen times using the windows 64 bit version of ImageMagicK.

Anyone else seen this? Have I missed a solution?

(I am using Win 7, 64 bit, and have installed this on a Windows 8 machine with the same errors.)


Re: Install error: Unable to execute file PPM ShellExecuteEx failed

Posted: 2014-11-27T14:28:43-07:00
OK. I found that the x64 bit version does not properly install the COM object. I removed it and installed the 32 x86 version. And now the COM object shows up.

Re: Install error: Unable to execute file PPM ShellExecuteEx failed

Posted: 2014-12-14T18:32:26-07:00
by canyonblue77
Getting the same exact error, tried all fixes MGCJIM described in his first post, then uninstalled 64bit and re-installed the 32bit, then followed the first post fixes again then re-installed the 32bit version again... still get PPM error.

!! HOWEVER !!, after attempting to install the ruby rmagick gem a million times and failing during the "makefiles" process, deciding the issue was related to the ppm error, and completing the above... IT WORKED! The Ruby gem installed successfully despite the remaining ppm error.

Re: Install error: Unable to execute file PPM ShellExecuteEx failed

Posted: 2019-06-27T11:57:56-07:00
by arnoldC
I found that the error, "Unable to execute file ppm ShellExecuteEx failed; code 2." happens when I select the installation option, "Install PerlMagick for Strawberry Perl v5.20" on a win7 machine that has ActiveState Perl. The error did not happen on a win7 machine that has Strawberry perl, and it does not happen if I do not check that option.