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Conversion from WebP to JPG may be broken in latest release

Posted: 2013-12-17T02:10:21-07:00
by schtorch
I have troubles to convert from WEBP to JPG (working before) after compiling and installing the latest release:

Code: Select all

# convert --version
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.7-9 Q16 x86_64 2013-12-14
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC HDRI OpenMP
Delegates: bzlib djvu fftw fontconfig freetype fpx jbig jng jp2 jpeg lcms lqr lzma openexr pangocairo png tiff webp wmf x xml zlib

Code: Select all

# convert -list format | grep webp
WEBP* rw-   WebP Image Format (libwebp 0.3.1)

Code: Select all

# convert abc.webp test.jpg
convert: no pixels defined in cache `test.jpg' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3519.
convert: Empty JPEG image (DNL not supported) `test.jpg' @ error/jpeg.c/JPEGErrorHandler/319.
After reverting to ImageMagick 6.8.7-6, everything is working as expected again.

Any hints?

Re: Conversion from WebP to JPG may be broken in latest rele

Posted: 2013-12-17T04:09:52-07:00
by magick
We tried your command with the latest release, ImageMagick 6.8.7-10, and it completes without complaint. Can you try 6.8.7-10? Does that work for you?

Re: Conversion from WebP to JPG may be broken in latest rele

Posted: 2013-12-17T05:02:07-07:00
by schtorch
Yes, that fixes it definitively! Thanks!