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Support for Adobe Color Management Module

Posted: 2013-04-26T12:41:10-07:00
by cmcfarling
Does/will IM (v6 or v7) support using the freely available Adobe Color Management Module ... ftpID=3618 for doing color space conversions?

Re: Support for Adobe Color Management Module

Posted: 2013-04-26T13:27:27-07:00
by magick
We have no plans to support this module. It appears to only run under Windows, and the license is not compatible with the ImageMagick license (i.e. its not an open-source license). Instead we use LCMS for color management. It meets our requirements of being multi-platform and has an open-source license.

Re: Support for Adobe Color Management Module

Posted: 2013-04-26T14:40:24-07:00
by cmcfarling
There is a Mac version too ... ftpID=3617

That's too bad. In many cases IM is used as a server based processing system intended to mimic the capabilities of stand alone Adobe apps such as Photoshop. One shortcoming is that IM and Photoshop use two different CMMs when doing colorspace conversions, which results in slightly different results. Ideally one would be able to take the same CMYK TIFF file (just as an example) and convert it to an RGB JPEG in either Photoshop or IM and get the same exact results. With IM using LCMS exclusively there will always be a slight difference.

Re: Support for Adobe Color Management Module

Posted: 2013-04-26T16:28:20-07:00
by magick
Keep in mind, ImageMagick is open-source. Any user can enable support for the Adobe Color Management Module and contribute patches to the ImageMagick distribution. The simplest solution may be an image filter @ ... hp#filters.

Re: Support for Adobe Color Management Module

Posted: 2013-04-26T18:02:33-07:00
by fmw42
I know little about color management systems and their differences. However, you may get a better match to IM if you disable Dot Gain in PS Color Settings control panel. Unfortunately, IM does not have any controls that I know to emulate the dot gain of PS. Someone correct me if I am wrong here.