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Error with convert and -transparent option

Posted: 2013-01-04T07:48:18-07:00
by crashandburn4
Hi guys, I'm pretty sure this is a bug since I've been using imagemagick to convert a few hundred files with some bash scripts for the last hour or so with no problem (and utilising the same command)).
The command that I use hasn't changed from my previous working command and is basically:

convert rauch0000.bmp -transparent "rgb(128,128,128)" 1.png

(I had it in a loop but tried this upon finding the error in order to confirm I hadn't made a mistake)

now gimp tells me the background of the picture rauch0000.bmp is 128,128,128 (or #808080) so this is what I use in the command. the files I am using is available here (the "rauch" {smoke} files are the ones causing trouble):

under geschütz (the cannon) at the bottom, direct link here:

one of the worrying things that I found is that in addition to not setting the background to transparent as required (for the smoke {rauch} files only, curiously the rest of the files in the zip work, including the other ones with a 128,128,128 RGB background) the colour of the background gets changed.

anyone know what's going wrong here?

oh yeah, almost forgot:
$ convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.0-2 2012-12-17 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenCL

Re: Error with convert and -transparent option

Posted: 2013-01-04T11:55:36-07:00
by fmw42
It works fine for me on IM Q16 Mac OSX Snow Leopard:

convert rauch0000.bmp -transparent "rgb(128,128,128)" 1tmp1.png

1tmp1.png is has a transparent background.

Re: Error with convert and -transparent option

Posted: 2013-01-04T13:41:10-07:00
by crashandburn4
hmmm, double checked this by redownloading (incase I somehow had a corrupted file) and retesting this, still doesn't work for me:

convert rauch0000.bmp -transparent "rgb(128,128,128)" 1tmp1.png

1tmp1.png has a background of RGB 55,55,55 however for the explosions "explo0000.bmp" the background IS transparent.

(if you want to convert all of them at once I wrote a small bash script:

for f in *\ *.bmp; do mv "$f" "${f// /_}"; done
mkdir drawable-xhdpi
mkdir drawable
find * -prune -name '*.bmp' \
-exec convert '{}' -transparent "rgb(128,128,128)" drawable-xhdpi/'{}'.png \;
for f in drawable-xhdpi/*.png; do mv "$f" "${f//.bmp/}"; done


running ImageMagick 6.8.0-2 2012-12-17 Q16 on mac osx Mountain lion 10.8.2 can anyone else replicate the error? or the correct result like fmw42?

anyone have any ideas?

Re: Error with convert and -transparent option

Posted: 2013-01-04T14:59:37-07:00
by fmw42
I get your same bad results using IM Q16 Mac OSX Snow Leopard. So it would appear to be a bug in that version of IM. You should consider upgrading your version of IM. There have been a lot of PNG bugs fixed. See

Note it is transparent in But I would suggest you upgrade as current as you can.

Re: Error with convert and -transparent option

Posted: 2013-01-04T15:02:31-07:00
by crashandburn4
thanks fmw42 will upgrade now. :)

Re: Error with convert and -transparent option

Posted: 2013-01-04T15:45:18-07:00
by crashandburn4
in case anyones wondering, the bug also appears to be on ImageMagick 6.8.0-7 too (latest version on macports)
I guess I'd better install from source... :(

Re: Error with convert and -transparent option

Posted: 2013-01-04T16:26:03-07:00
by fmw42
crashandburn4 wrote:in case anyones wondering, the bug also appears to be on ImageMagick 6.8.0-7 too (latest version on macports)
I guess I'd better install from source... :(
I wrote this tutorial in response to a similar question. I install my delegates with MacPorts, but install IM manually so as to keep up with the IM versions.

viewtopic.php?f=1&t=21502&p=88202&hilit ... rts#p88202