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Library with version script

Posted: 2012-11-28T06:42:21-07:00
by broucaries

I have achieved to get libraries with versioned symbols and thus avoid from debian point of view breaking the ABI.

I have used a small part of gnulib that is under lgpl v2 in order to achieve this. This part is only used during build so it does not taint the binary.

Do you agree with this change ?

Can I send patches ?


Re: Library with version script

Posted: 2012-11-28T06:51:10-07:00
by magick
Please forward your patches to patches at imagemagick dot org.

Re: Library with version script

Posted: 2012-11-28T06:55:43-07:00
by broucaries
BTW we want on the distrib side to be able to compile both HDRI and fixed depth lib.

I will prepare patch in order to do this. I need to rename libmagickcore to libmagickcoreQ8 for quantum depth of 8 or libmagickcoreH8 for HDRI.

This part will be optionnal and will need a configure flag

Does this name like you ?


Re: Library with version script

Posted: 2012-11-28T07:27:32-07:00
by magick
With the optional configure flag, we can include the library decoration as an argument, that way the user can define the library name to their liking.

Re: Library with version script

Posted: 2012-12-01T07:54:04-07:00
by broucaries

Just send the patches for including ABI in the lib name.

It is will ease to have both convert.Q8, convert.Q16 and convert.QHDRI16 installed on the same machine.

I suppose it will help also your testing

Re: Library with version script

Posted: 2012-12-01T09:00:32-07:00
by magick
Thanks, we'll get your patches into ImageMagick-6.8.0-8 Beta by sometime tomorrow. Note the SO decoration is changed from QHRDI16 to Q16-HDRI.

Re: Library with version script

Posted: 2012-12-02T12:50:56-07:00
by broucaries
Thanks for applying.

I have a few patches that you need before releasing.

Could you wiat a few days ?



Re: Library with version script

Posted: 2012-12-02T14:49:14-07:00
by magick
> Could you wiat a few days ?

Yes. We had to make a few adjustments so the code would work under Windows. Be sure to download the latest patches from SVN.

Re: Library with version script

Posted: 2012-12-02T15:29:12-07:00
by broucaries

I have just send a partial revert.

Could you please futher debug the problem under windows (with my patch applied).

If not I will think to another stuff.
