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Font warning on montage command

Posted: 2012-10-04T00:28:29-07:00
by waldalla
I'm creating an image montage with the follwoing command:

Code: Select all

montage -monitor pic1.tiff pic2.tiff -geometry 1000x1000+20+20 -tile 1x2 -background white out.tiff
It works, but I get these strange warnings:

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montage: delegate library support not built-in `/usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n019003l.pfb' (Freetype) @ warning/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1526.
montage: Postscript delegate failed `/var/folders/6f/7jxdczdn45z32wnczn11yp5w0000gn/T/magick-O6qNszAJ': No such file or directory @ error/ps.c/ReadPSImage/830.
Why that? I don't use any text command which could possibly use some fonts...

Thanks, Walter

Re: Font warning on montage command

Posted: 2012-10-04T10:59:05-07:00
by fmw42
Montage has font commands built in and even if you don't use them, it may still require that the delegate library for freetype be installed. That is my best guess.

Re: Font warning on montage command

Posted: 2012-10-04T17:46:23-07:00
by waldalla
Thanks Fred. Makes sense.

But how can I make the warning go away? I now have installed ghostscript, the folwing message still occures:

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montage: delegate library support not built-in `/usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n019003l.pfb' (Freetype) @ warning/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1526.
freetype is installed, too. And I have the following delegates (listed via montage -list configure):

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DELEGATES     bzlib jpeg jng png tiff xml zlib
So I don't know why imagemagick doesn't pick up the installed ghostscript. Do I need a delegate between imagemagick and ghostscript? Any idea?

Thanks heaps, Walter

Re: Font warning on montage command

Posted: 2012-10-04T18:08:40-07:00
by fmw42
It appears that gs is not fully installed or not properly installed at least where IM knows to find it. Check where it is installed? Try running it standalone? Something is not proper or it would show up in the IM list of delegates via

convert -list configure

Perhaps it is permissions or perhaps you did not re-install IM after you installed GS?

Re: Font warning on montage command

Posted: 2012-10-04T18:32:34-07:00
by waldalla
Aaah, I have to reinstall IM after installing GS? Do I have to compile it for this? (I use the pre-compiled "bottle" from brew for OS X.)

Thx, Walter

Re: Font warning on montage command

Posted: 2012-10-04T19:08:51-07:00
by fmw42
waldalla wrote:Aaah, I have to reinstall IM after installing GS? Do I have to compile it for this? (I use the pre-compiled "bottle" from brew for OS X.)

Thx, Walter
I do not know if you can install from a binary and get it to recognize some extra delegate. But you can try. If not, then you will likely have to install all your delegates from MacPorts and then install IM from MacPorts or install IM from source. The latter is what I do on my Mac. I install all delegates from MacPorts and then install IM manually so as to have the most current version of IM. You have to modify your ./configure command. If you install from binary and it does not catch the GS and you are sure it is installed properly and where IM can find it, then let me know and I will show you how I install IM manually.