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how to increase/decrease an effect's value in ImageMagicK.?

Posted: 2012-09-26T22:34:12-07:00
by mbatra

I am using Magick++ effects on images. I have applied Blur effect on an image. I have provided a slider for the same. User can increase the value of the slider and same will increase the blur effect on the Image. Now if I decrease the value of the slider, it doesn't reduce the blur effect on the image. It will again blur the image.

Can anyone tell me any way to do this.? Or is there any method in ImageMagick which will reduce the given Blur effect on the Image.


Re: how to increase/decrease an effect's value in ImageMagic

Posted: 2012-09-27T10:29:51-07:00
by fmw42
-blur 0xsigma the 0 tells the radius to compute it automatically from the sigma at about 3xsigma=radius.

alternately for a linear radial blur rathe than a gaussian radial blur, use -blur radiusx65000 (or any very large number such that it is at least 100xradius).