Problem with gel example in 6.7.8

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Problem with gel example in 6.7.8

Post by qrilka »

Struggling to make all el.supremo's examples work with 6.7 (and with our Haskell binding as a result) I have stumbled upon gel example ( ) which exibits some problems:
1. gel_highlight is gray and and red (i.e. I have as a result) - both from C code and from shell
2. When I do MagickSetAlphaChannel mwc ActivateAlphaChannel I get MagickFalse as a result (in function corresponding to the 3rd convert invocation which results in gel_border.png) - is it OK?

I use IM 6.7.8 on Gentoo x86_64
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Re: Problem with gel example in 6.7.8

Post by qrilka »

Any hints on this one?
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