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image created with im won't display in ie

Posted: 2012-08-24T10:14:12-07:00
by mrdo
hi there,

i'm converting a tiff to a gif using ImageMagick. unfortunately, the resultant image refuses to display in internet explorer (tested in ie6 and ie8).
the image displays no problem in firefox.
when i open the gif and resave in irfanview the image displays properly.

i've run identify -verbose against both images and they seem identical to me.

i'm using the following command to convert from tiff to rgb and then rgb to gif :

stream.exe -map rgb -storage-type char -extract 5496x7694+0+0 "Image.tiff[0]" "Image.rgb"

convert.exe -size 5496x7694 -density 200 -quality 40% -depth 8 rgb:"Image.rgb" "Image_preview.gif"

any ideas about how i can convert the image so that it will display correctly in ie ?

Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Posted: 2012-08-24T10:57:33-07:00
by fmw42
I do not know anything about stream. But perhaps your image is CMYK and that might be a problem for ie browsers. Check the verbose information for your tiff file. I do not know if gif supports CMYK, but I doubt it.

identify -verbose image.tiff

If it is CMYK, then you probably need to convert to sRGB using either profiles if in the tiff file or via -colorspace.

What happens if you just use convert to process your image

convert image.tiff[5496x7694+0+0] image.gif

Does that work?

Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Posted: 2012-08-25T08:47:09-07:00
by mrdo
hi there,

thanks for taking the time to reply.

both images are sRGB.

using convert takes approx. 5 minutes and results in the same problem. :-(

thanks again

Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Posted: 2012-08-25T10:06:50-07:00
by fmw42
what version of IM and platform are you on? perhaps you need to upgrade IM?

Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Posted: 2012-08-26T14:12:47-07:00
by mrdo
hi there,

it's version 6.7.6 q16 running on windows 7 64-bit.


Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Posted: 2012-08-26T14:34:03-07:00
by fmw42
Does it happen with all your tiffs or just that one?

Do you have a smaller one or a subsection of that tiff that fails that you could post a link so others can try?

Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Posted: 2012-08-28T03:38:55-07:00
by mrdo
hi there,

sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

it happens to lots of my tiffs but not all and i can't see much of a pattern in the ones that fail.

unfortunately, i can't post any of the files publicly as they are sensitive.

i have no problem when i change the output format to jpg.

thanks again

Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Posted: 2012-08-29T09:31:30-07:00
by mrdo
having noticed some other complaints about gifs created using im not displaying correctly, i've sensibly decided to change the output format to png.

unfortunately, the filesize has crept up - do you have any suggestions for parameters that i can use to lower the filesize ?

thanks again

Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Posted: 2012-08-29T10:29:39-07:00
by fmw42
output to PNG8:output.png

That will make it 8bit color similar to gif

see sections on GIF and PNG at

Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Posted: 2012-08-29T14:46:12-07:00
by mrdo
thanks again for your help - will give it a try when i'm back at the office.

much appreciated !