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Can't get 6.7.8-6 to build. Get 6.7.6-9 instead.

Posted: 2012-07-24T13:39:13-07:00
by ElleStone
Three times I've downloaded ImageMagick 6.7.8-6 source code, from three different locations.

Three times I've unpacked, ./configure ./configure --enable-hdri --with-quantum-depth=32, make, make install.

Three times the output from configure confirms that what I asked for, is what I was going to get.

And three times after "make install" I check with "identify" and come up with: Version: ImageMagick 6.7.6-9 2012-05-16 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC.

Before the first time I tried to build 6.7.8-6, I never, ever had 6.7.6-9 installed on my computer. I had 6.7.2 from an OpenSuse repository, which I uninstalled before building what I hoped would be 6.7.8-6.

What am I doing wrong? Any assistance would be very, very appreciated.

Kind regards,

Re: Can't get 6.7.8-6 to build. Get 6.7.6-9 instead.

Posted: 2012-07-24T16:49:42-07:00
by fmw42
Three times I've unpacked, ./configure ./configure --enable-hdri --with-quantum-depth=32, make, make install
You have two ./configure commands. If that is not a type, then

./configure --enable-hdri --with-quantum-depth=32
make install

However, Q32 is probably overkill. It is usually sufficient to use Q16 with HDRI enabled.

Re: Can't get 6.7.8-6 to build. Get 6.7.6-9 instead.

Posted: 2012-07-24T17:41:58-07:00
by ElleStone
Sorry, the double ./configure is a typo. And yes, quantum-depth=32 is usually overkill. But I had a reason to want to use 32-bit processing. I'm trying to track down a bug that seems to affect several different image editing programs during ICC profile conversion.

Re: Can't get 6.7.8-6 to build. Get 6.7.6-9 instead.

Posted: 2012-07-24T17:48:52-07:00
by fmw42
ElleStone wrote:Sorry, the double ./configure is a typo. And yes, quantum-depth=32 is usually overkill. But I had a reason to want to use 32-bit processing. I'm trying to track down a bug that seems to affect several different image editing programs during ICC profile conversion.
Out of curiosity, does it compile correctly for HDRI using Q16?

It it still persists, then perhaps back down a release to and see if that works. It could be just an error in the source code.

Re: Can't get 6.7.8-6 to build. Get 6.7.6-9 instead.

Posted: 2012-07-25T03:12:36-07:00
by ElleStone
>Out of curiosity, does it compile correctly for HDRI using Q16?

I did "make uninstall, make clean".
Then I did "./configure, make, make install" (no quantum 32, no hdri)
All seemed normal. This is the last two lines:
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/elle/build/imagemagick/ImageMagick-6.7.8-6'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/elle/build/imagemagick/ImageMagick-6.7.8-6'
Then I typed "identify":

elle@linux-0yl6:~/build/imagemagick/ImageMagick-6.7.8-6> identify
Version: ImageMagick 6.7.6-9 2012-05-16 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC

See how according to "identify" the ImageMagick version is 6.7.6-9? But I promise you I downloaded, extracted, and built 6.7.8-6. Three times, from three different download locations.

>If it still persists, then perhaps back down a release to and see if that works. It could be just an error in the source code.

I'd be happy to download but I can't find it anywhere. But what I really need is Is it possible that everywhere 6.7.6-9 got uploaded in place of

Or is there some hidden location on my computer that is pulling out a version of ImageMagick, 6.7.6-9, that as far as I know has never been installed on my computer until I tried to install 6.7.8-6?

Or is it possible that I'm really getting 6.7.8-6 and "identify" is giving the wrong information?

Re: Can't get 6.7.8-6 to build. Get 6.7.6-9 instead.

Posted: 2012-07-25T10:18:42-07:00
by fmw42
Perhaps it is possible you have another version of IM on your system.

type -a convert


which -a convert

and see if there another version.

Do you get the same problem with a normal non-HDRI install?

Old unix release can be found at

Re: Can't get 6.7.8-6 to build. Get 6.7.6-9 instead.

Posted: 2012-07-25T11:56:29-07:00
by ElleStone
>Perhaps it is possible you have another version of IM on your system.

elle@linux-0yl6:~> type -a convert
convert is /usr/local/bin/convert
elle@linux-0yl6:~> which -a convert
elle@linux-0yl6:~> /usr/bin/identify
bash: /usr/bin/identify: No such file or directory
elle@linux-0yl6:~> /usr/local/bin/identify
Version: ImageMagick 6.7.6-9 2012-05-16 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC

There is no other version of ImageMagick on this machine. The version that I had previously installed from OpenSuse repository was 6.7.2 or perhaps 67.3. It was not 6.7.6-9. I uninstalled it before downloading 6.7.8-6.

>Do you get the same problem with a normal non-HDRI install?
The last build that I did was normal, Q16, non-HDRI. Same problem. And I don't see how the configure options that I use would make any difference whatsoever in what version ImageMagick is telling me is installed when I run "identity".

Now, just now, I navigated to the source directory and typed "make uninstall". Now I will do "identify" again:
elle@linux-0yl6:~/build/imagemagick/ImageMagick-6.7.8-6> identify
If 'identify' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this: . . .

Now I will download 6.7.8-5 and try again. Thanks! for the link.

I extracted, navigated to the source folder, and typed "./configure". Here is what I got:
Quantum depth --with-quantum-depth=16 16
High Dynamic Range Imagery
--enable-hdri=no no
. . .
Options used to compile and link:
PREFIX = /usr/local
EXEC-PREFIX = /usr/local
VERSION = 6.7.8

Now "make" and "make install", followed by "identify":
elle@linux-0yl6:~/build/imagemagick/ImageMagick-6.7.8-5> identify
Version: ImageMagick 6.7.6-9 2012-05-16 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC

Is it ***normal*** to say Version: ImageMagick 6.7.6-9 2012-05-16 after installing Version 6.7.8??? Is this what "identify" is supposed to say?
Shouldn't it actually say the actual version?

I just used "kfind" to search for the text "6.7.8" in the source folder. It occurs in 603 files, including the binary files. I searched for "6.7.6-9" and only found it in the change logs. Where is this 6.7.6-9 version coming from? Is there some left-over stuff somewhere in usr/share or some other obscure location that uninstalling using Yast didn't remove?

Re: Can't get 6.7.8-6 to build. Get 6.7.6-9 instead.

Posted: 2012-07-25T13:32:17-07:00
by ElleStone
Now I am really puzzled. I downloaded and installed 6.7.8-6 on a different computer. On that computer, running Debian Sid instead of Opensuse, I needed to "sudo make install", followed by "sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib" to get "identify" to work. On my main computer, I used "make install" rather than "sudo make install". So I figured, Hah! that's the answer. Having already put the previously downloaded ImageMagick 6.7.8-6 file in the Trash, I copied the file I downloaded to the Debian machine over to the OpenSuse machine and installed it using exactly the same commands as listed initially above: ./configure --with-quantum-depth=32, make, make install (I left --enable-hdri off, but I've already ruled that out as the source of the problem).

I figured it would act just like before, and that either "sudo make install" or the ldconfig command would fix the issue. But in fact it worked just fine. I suppose all four of the IM downloads to my main machine could have been corrupted? Whereas the download to the Debian machine was intact?

Regardless, now ImageMagick 6.7.8-6 is installed on both machines. And my apologies for such a long pointless thread, as there is not likely to be any answer as to "why" the downloaded file didn't build properly when directly downloaded to the Opensuse machine, but did build properly after being copied from the Debian machine.