Media Foundation Dependency Windows 7

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Media Foundation Dependency Windows 7

Post by ronniedepriest »

I've searched the forum for Media Foundation Dependencies and mfreadwrite and didn't find any information about the following...

There seems to be a dependency in the imagemagik core for Windows on the Media Foundation Libraries (mfreadwrite.dll, gpsvc.dll, ieshims.dll, mf.dll, mfplat.dll) and others once those are repaired. Maybe I'm just too much of a newbie and am missing something obvious here, if so, please be kind. The problem that I'm having is that even after I've installed the Windows 7.1 SDK I still don't have those binaries registered on my machine anywhere. The .NET example program and the .NET binary com object won't work as a result of these problems. If this is an issue with my particular environment I will understand, but I would appreciate it if this could be fixed (maybe dependencies checked and installed during the install process for the original platform?) I mention during the install process because it took a little bit of effort just to get to the root cause of why the example program was failing. Either way, if there is a place where I could contribute to help fix these problems (testing, coding, designing, whatever) I would be more than happy to help out, cause frankly, these libraries "look" really cool. I say "look" because I haven't actually been able to play with them yet.

I am so sorry to those that have already viewed this, I forgot to post system information earlier...

Windows Professional 7 N - 64 bit
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate with .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.0 environments installed, currently working on 4.0 project
Windows SDK 7.0 and 7.1a
.NET 2.0 SDK

edit - I downloaded and installed the Windows Media Center Pack and then reinstalled the Win 7 SDK 7.1 afterwards, still not working.

I *think* that is all that is relevant, let me know if you need more information


Okay, so it's been a few weeks, and there's been close to 200 views, but no responses. I'm guessing that either this post is either shelved for later in light of more pressing issues, or no-one else is able to re-create the bug? Either way, since there's been no response - Maybe someone can point me to a step by step of how to get the .NET libraries to work in a WPF application, or write one up (preferrably in c#), maybe I'm missing something (I also couldn't get the demo app to run, did I mention that?) I thought that I'd looked everything over pretty carefully, but maybe I've got the ol' tunnel vision? Or, if you could point me to the source that contains the code that rastersizes the PDF document for an image, I could maybe write my own interface - seems like a daunting task as I read the PDF spec, but if I have to dig in, I'm willing.
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