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Possible bug random noise IM Q16 Mac OSX

Posted: 2012-07-08T11:54:22-07:00
by fmw42
convert zelda3.png -seed 1000 -attenuate 0.001 +noise random zelda_random.png

But -attenuate does not seem to be working with random noise, though it does with gaussian. Is this a bug?

Re: Possible bug random noise IM Q16 Mac OSX

Posted: 2012-07-08T15:15:53-07:00
by magick
Uniform random noise is relative to the current pixel value. Random noise replaces the current pixel value except it should respect attenuation. Look for a patch by sometime tomorrow.

Re: Possible bug random noise IM Q16 Mac OSX

Posted: 2012-07-08T16:30:26-07:00
by fmw42
magick wrote:Uniform random noise is relative to the current pixel value. Random noise replaces the current pixel value except it should respect attenuation. Look for a patch by sometime tomorrow.

OK. I see that now from the code. I will add a note to the docs to clarify how random noise is a replacement.