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Delete function and rebuild it's ok

Posted: 2012-06-20T21:52:37-07:00
by cuongnh
Why I delete function writejpegimage on jpeg.c and rebuild

It still run. And function SetImageOption (quantization table) still work correctly

Re: Delete function and rebuild it's ok

Posted: 2012-06-20T22:55:55-07:00
by anthony
first the coder is loaded as a separate module, so Im will not know things in the module is missing until it tries to use it.

second, could you have that coder module installed somewhere else?

Use locate to see if you can find one.

Re: Delete function and rebuild it's ok

Posted: 2012-06-21T00:17:05-07:00
by cuongnh
Thanks you

I want to change quantization table which dont need load to file. Which file i must change?

Re: Delete function and rebuild it's ok

Posted: 2012-06-21T17:59:07-07:00
by anthony
There is a couple of discussions in the Digital Image Processing forum about this.

A example file is provided called "quantization-table.xml" whcih you place in either a system folder or your personal .magick subdirectory of your home. It details the quantization tables to use.