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JP2 Support in newer versions of ImageMagick

Posted: 2012-05-24T08:54:25-07:00
by hdfarley3
I have JP2 images that open in IMDisplay from ImageMagick 6.2.5-Q16. I also have ImageMagick 6.7.6-Q16 installed. The IMDisplay that came with the newer version throws an error when I try to open the same images. The error is:

IMDisplayDoc function [DoReadImage] reported an error. imdisplay.exe: irregular channel geometry not supported. C:\users\...\image.jp2 @ error/jp2.c/ReadJP2Image/489

Has the JP2 code changed in the later releases? I can provide the image file if needed. It is a 9KB file of a color image measuring 352x240.

Thanks for your help.

Re: JP2 Support in newer versions of ImageMagick

Posted: 2012-05-24T09:17:10-07:00
by magick
Post a URL to your JP2 image so we can download and reproduce the problem. It is likely we can modify the JP2 reader to accept your image format again.

Re: JP2 Support in newer versions of ImageMagick

Posted: 2012-05-24T10:44:01-07:00
by hdfarley3
Thanks for the quick response. Here is a link to the image file:

Re: JP2 Support in newer versions of ImageMagick

Posted: 2012-05-25T04:38:43-07:00
by magick
We added a patch and your image can now be read in ImageMagick-6.7.7-1 Beta.

Re: JP2 Support in newer versions of ImageMagick

Posted: 2012-05-26T14:20:37-07:00
by hdfarley3
Thanks! I installed the latest windows binary (6.7.7-2) and I can open my jp2 files in IMDisplay.

Unfortunately Apache 2.4 and the imagick library can't open the same image.

If I try to open the image from the database using the readImageBlob function I get the following error in the Windows Event Viewer:
Faulting application httpd.exe, version, faulting module CORE_RL_jp2_.dll, version, fault address 0x00026907.

If I try to open the image from a local file using the readImage function I get a different error:
Faulting application httpd.exe, version, faulting module msvcr100.dll, version 10.0.30319.1, fault address 0x0008ae6e.

I have verified that PHP 5.3.13, Apache 2.4, and imagick are all compiled using VC9 and I have Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable installed. It appears that ImageMagic is compiled against VC10. Are ImageMagick binaries compiled against VC9 available?

Thanks for all your help.