Error PDF to Image -- invalidfont

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Error PDF to Image -- invalidfont

Post by mediaplus »

Error converting PDF to Image.
The font Helvetica-Bold quoted in the error below is already installed on the server.

Error: / invalidfont em / pilha Operando findfont: - dict: 8/17 (L) - TT2 1 FontObject - dict: 8/8 (L) dict ----: 8/8 (L) - Helvética -Bold pilha de execução Helvetica-Bold:. interp_exit% runexec2 - nostringval - - nostringval - - nostringval - 2% stopped_push - nostringval - - nostringval - - nostringval - falso stopped_push 1% 1878 1 oparray_pop 3% 1877 1 3% oparray_pop 1861 um oparray_pop 3% - nostringval - - nostringval - 2 1 8 - nostringval - for_pos_int_continue% - nostringval - - nostringval - - nostringval - - -nostringval -% array_continue - nostringval - falso 1% stopped_push - loop_continue% - - nostringval nostringval - - nostringval - - nostringval - - nostringval - - nostringval - - nostringval - pilha Dicionário 1836 8 9% oparray_pop: - dict: 1159/1684 (RO) (G) dict ----: 1/20 (G) dict ----: 75/200 (L) --- -dict: 75/200 (L) dict ----: 108/127 (RO) (G) dict ----: 288/300 (RO) (G) dict ----: 22/25 (L ) ---- dict: 6/8 (L) ---- dict: 26/40 (L) - modo de alocação atual é local de erro OS Última: 2

Does anyone know how to solve this question?
Thank you.
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Re: Error PDF to Image -- invalidfont

Post by fmw42 »

what is your exact command line and IM version?

are you referencing fonts by name or by path to font file?

do you have ghostscript installed and ghostscript fonts installed?
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Re: Error PDF to Image -- invalidfont

Post by mediaplus »

Version is 6.7.6-9.

does not have the ghost
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Re: Error PDF to Image -- invalidfont

Post by fmw42 »

try installing ghostscript then re-install IM. Be sure to install the ghostscript fonts and set your ./configure to point to where the gs fonts reside.

You can check if gs is installed by

convert -list configure

See if the line starting with DELEGATES lists gs. If not, then I does not see it or know where it is or it is not completely installed properly.
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