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conversion to postscript is missing grestore in DisplayImage

Posted: 2012-03-02T02:21:46-07:00
by broucaries

It seems your are missing some grestore in postscript conversion. Please investigate. Even if your postscript is correct, it will lead to some trouble (non idempotence).

Please see patch on original thread and generalize to other ps file (ps, ,ps2,ps3).



Re: conversion to postscript is missing grestore in DisplayI

Posted: 2012-03-02T05:34:00-07:00
by magick
Thanks for the bug report and patch. We'll have a patch for the problem in ImageMagick 6.7.5-8 Beta by sometime tomorrow.

Re: conversion to postscript is missing grestore in DisplayI

Posted: 2012-07-23T09:57:09-07:00
by broucaries
It seems that you have only fixed ps2 not ps3 and ps ....

Could you recheck?


Re: conversion to postscript is missing grestore in DisplayI

Posted: 2012-07-28T16:17:23-07:00
by magick
The PS coder includes a grestore. It looks like a patch is required for PS3.