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Can't convert one pdf to image (only 1 out of 100 pdf's)

Posted: 2011-12-29T08:43:51-07:00
by zutautas
Converted nearly 100 pdf's 1st pages to png's but can't do on this one, imagemagic provides blank(black on other formats) image. Would like to know if it's bad pdf or some bug? File size, name, structure looks similar to others. But some other pages of this pdf can be converted.
Code: convert "King Sturge Eur Office Mkt 10-08.pdf"[0] test.png
PDF: ... t_10-.html

Re: Can't convert one pdf to image (only 1 out of 100 pdf's)

Posted: 2011-12-29T09:35:04-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a patch. Look for it in ImageMagick 6.7.4-3 Beta by sometime tomorrow.

Re: Can't convert one pdf to image (only 1 out of 100 pdf's)

Posted: 2012-01-02T05:21:42-07:00
by zutautas
Downloaded newest version 6.7.4-4 for windows and it generates image, but half of created file is blank or transparent depends on format.
Like this:

Re: Can't convert one pdf to image (only 1 out of 100 pdf's)

Posted: 2012-01-02T07:08:23-07:00
by magick
Your King Sturge Eur Office Mkt 10-08.pdf image defines the first page @ 1210x842 pixels rather the customary 612x792 (see MediaBox). The page size is defined by the PDF image, not ImageMagick. To confirm, type 'gs King Sturge Eur Office Mkt 10-08.pdf'.