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How to make overlaying of video files by IM?

Posted: 2011-11-14T08:30:04-07:00
by VladimirKlimov
Dear friends,

Is it possible to make overlaying of video files by ImageMagic?

I used VirtualDub software to make two sequenses of .bmp pictures and placed the files together into common folder.
Background images have name: base_0000.bmp, base_0001.bmp, etc. Overlay images have names: L_0000.bmp, L_0001.bmp, etc.

I have written the text for a batch file of DOS:

Code: Select all

@echo off
echo Hello this is a batch file for overlaying a small picture to a large picture
mkdir over
FOR %%a in (L_*.bmp) DO (
    ECHO Processing file: "%%~nxa"
    composite -compose Copy -geometry +31+202 %%a  base_*.bmp over\over_%%a
But it does not work properly as I need. It takes the file base_0000.bmp always for all files L_*.bmp but I need
each file "base_" for other file "L_". Is it possible somehow?

I have used ImageMagick 6.7.0-0 Q16 (2011-06-01) OS: Win XP Sp2

Thanks in advance!

Re: How to make overlaying of video files by IM?

Posted: 2011-11-14T21:46:26-07:00
by anthony
This appears to be more of a Dos scripting problem rather than a ImageMagick problem.