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Unable to Process TIFF File

Posted: 2011-10-03T17:29:22-07:00
by meballard
I'm trying to process some TIFF files using ImageMagick. I'm currently trying the current version (most recent download I have tried is on Windows 7 64-bit. I am able to process JPEG files, and re-work the TIFF from from the JPEG file, but a bunch of TIFF files I have tried just aren't working.

I had it working under previous versions of ImageMagick under Windows XP, but it isn't outputting any files. identify just returns blank output.

I uploaded one of the TIFF files as a ZIP to:

I tried a convert with debug and got the following:
C:\Users\mballard\Desktop\ImageMagick>convert.exe -debug all pigeon.tif pigeon.jpg
2011-10-03T17:24:14-07:00 0:00.001 0.000u 6.7.2 Configure convert.exe[4044]: utility.c/ExpandFilenames/907/Configure
Command line: convert.exe {-debug} {all} {pigeon.tif} {pigeon.jpg}
2011-10-03T17:24:14-07:00 0:00.024 0.000u 6.7.2 Policy convert.exe[4044]: policy.c/IsRightsAuthorized/485/Policy
Domain: Path; rights=Read; pattern="pigeon.tif" ...
2011-10-03T17:24:14-07:00 0:00.038 0.000u 6.7.2 Blob convert.exe[4044]: blob.c/OpenBlob/2482/Blob
read 3 magic header bytes
2011-10-03T17:24:14-07:00 0:00.088 0.016u 6.7.2 Cache convert.exe[4044]: cache.c/DestroyPixelCache/1505/Cache
2011-10-03T17:24:14-07:00 0:00.098 0.016u 6.7.2 Configure convert.exe[4044]: configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/564/Configure
Searching for configure file: "magic.xml"
2011-10-03T17:24:14-07:00 0:00.111 0.016u 6.7.2 Configure convert.exe[4044]: configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/564/Configure
Searching for configure file: "C:\Users\mballard\.magick\magic.xml"
2011-10-03T17:24:14-07:00 0:00.127 0.016u 6.7.2 Configure convert.exe[4044]: magic.c/LoadMagicList/679/Configure
Loading magic configure file "magic.xml" ...
2011-10-03T17:24:14-07:00 0:00.142 0.016u 6.7.2 Configure convert.exe[4044]: magic.c/LoadMagicList/679/Configure
Loading magic configure file "magic.xml" ...
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.154 0.016u 6.7.2 Policy convert.exe[4044]: policy.c/IsRightsAuthorized/485/Policy
Domain: Coder; rights=Read; pattern="TIFF" ...
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.166 0.016u 6.7.2 Policy convert.exe[4044]: policy.c/IsRightsAuthorized/485/Policy
Domain: Path; rights=Read; pattern="pigeon.tif" ...
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.245 0.016u 6.7.2 Blob convert.exe[4044]: blob.c/OpenBlob/2482/Blob
read 3 magic header bytes
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.261 0.016u 6.7.2 Cache convert.exe[4044]: cache.c/DestroyPixelCache/1505/Cache
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.273 0.016u 6.7.2 Policy convert.exe[4044]: policy.c/IsRightsAuthorized/485/Policy
Domain: Path; rights=Read; pattern="pigeon.tif" ...
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.287 0.016u 6.7.2 Blob convert.exe[4044]: blob.c/OpenBlob/2482/Blob
read 3 magic header bytes
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.299 0.016u 6.7.2 Coder convert.exe[4044]: tiff.c/ReadTIFFImage/932/Coder
Geometry: 2189x2219
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.311 0.016u 6.7.2 Coder convert.exe[4044]: tiff.c/ReadTIFFImage/934/Coder
Interlace: 1
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.370 0.016u 6.7.2 Coder convert.exe[4044]: tiff.c/ReadTIFFImage/936/Coder
Bits per sample: 8
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.381 0.016u 6.7.2 Coder convert.exe[4044]: tiff.c/ReadTIFFImage/938/Coder
Min sample value: 0
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.400 0.016u 6.7.2 Coder convert.exe[4044]: tiff.c/ReadTIFFImage/940/Coder
Max sample value: 255
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.409 0.016u 6.7.2 Coder convert.exe[4044]: tiff.c/ReadTIFFImage/942/Coder
Photometric interpretation: RGB
2011-10-03T17:24:15-07:00 0:00.422 0.031u 6.7.2 Coder convert.exe[4044]: tiff.c/ReadTIFFImage/949/Coder
Image depth: 8

Any idea why it isn't working? Thank You for any help.

Re: Unable to Process TIFF File

Posted: 2011-10-03T17:56:11-07:00
by fmw42
convert pigeon.tif pigeon.jpg

works perfectly fine on my IM Q16 Mac OSX Tiger and no errors or warnings.

What is your exact version of IM

convert -version

What is your version of libjpeg? Is it installed and does IM find it?

convert -list configure

look at the line starting with DELEGATES and see if tiff and jpeg are listed? If so, then find the version of libtiff and libjpeg or upgrade to the latest versions.

Looks like a 64-bit windows issue or your configuration.

Re: Unable to Process TIFF File

Posted: 2011-10-04T10:28:47-07:00
by meballard
fmw42 wrote:convert pigeon.tif pigeon.jpg

works perfectly fine on my IM Q16 Mac OSX Tiger and no errors or warnings.

What is your exact version of IM

convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.7.2-8 2011-09-23 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP
What is your version of libjpeg? Is it installed and does IM find it?

convert -list configure

look at the line starting with DELEGATES and see if tiff and jpeg are listed? If so, then find the version of libtiff and libjpeg or upgrade to the latest versions.

Looks like a 64-bit windows issue or your configuration.
Here's the output from that line:
Path: [built-in]

Name Value
NAME ImageMagick

Path: configure.xml

Name Value
CC vs10
CC vs8
COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC
COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC
DELEGATES bzlib freetype jpeg jp2 lcms png tiff x11 xml wmf zlib
DELEGATES bzlib freetype jpeg jp2 lcms png tiff x11 xml wmf zlib
HOST Windows
HOST windows-unknown-linux-gnu
NAME ImageMagick
NAME ImageMagick
RELEASE_DATE 2011-09-15
RELEASE_DATE 2010-06-15

I'm not sure if/how I could even upgrade the version. I downloaded the portable static version, which presumably has everything built in.

Re: Unable to Process TIFF File

Posted: 2011-10-04T11:42:41-07:00
by fmw42
You have two version of IM installed that are likely competing and causing your problem. Get rid of the older one and try again. My best guess.

Re: Unable to Process TIFF File

Posted: 2011-10-04T13:23:13-07:00
by meballard
fmw42 wrote:You have two version of IM installed that are likely competing and causing your problem. Get rid of the older one and try again. My best guess.
I only had one copy installed (an installable version of 6.7.2, the same as the portable static one I am using). I just tried uninstalling it, and checked the variables in set, and I don't see any reference to another version, but convert -list configure still shows the same thing. Also, since I'm using the static portable version, shouldn't it just use the packaged libraries that are included?

Also, I copied it over to an XP system that has never even used ImageMagick in the past, and it shows the same result (with the same problem).

Re: Unable to Process TIFF File

Posted: 2011-10-04T14:27:50-07:00
by fmw42
You will need help from the IM developers. Anything further is beyond my expertise.

Re: Unable to Process TIFF File

Posted: 2011-10-10T04:24:00-07:00
by dave81

Did you find a solution for this? i'm having the same problem.

Strange thing is that the tif is working when i work localy (windows 7 - 64 bit with imagemagick v, but when i copy the same file to a windows server 2003 (with image magick v then i don't get any output of tif files.

I'm even using a simple convert script, no errors given, no output given and no file created.
It doesn't matter which tif file I use because they all give the same empty result :(.
script : convert.exe "c:/www/38823100.tif" png:"c:/www/test.png"
script : convert.exe "c:/www/38823100.tif" jpg:"c:/www/test.jpg"

Even identify returns an empty string
script : identify.exe -verbose "c:/www/38823100.tif"

All other filetypes are woking jpg, eps (with ghostscript & im), png, gif, ... .
I'm sure it's not the tif file because this is wokring on my local machine

I've already tried to uninstall and reinstall, install other versions, ... but nothing seems to work.

Re: Unable to Process TIFF File

Posted: 2011-10-10T05:03:16-07:00
by dave81
Extra info :

i've found an old installer of imagemagick (6.4.6) and the tif is working with this version on the windows 2003 server.
It's not working when i change back to 6.7.3

Re: Unable to Process TIFF File

Posted: 2011-10-10T05:51:04-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you reported and have a patch in ImageMagick 6.7.3-1, available by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.