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Conversion of CR2 files is VERY slow

Posted: 2011-10-02T11:48:36-07:00
by waldalla
Hi there

I use ImageMagick to compare the image content of some CR2 (Canon RAW) files. This is VERY slow. E.g. on a MacBook (2.5 GHz Core 2 Duo with SSD) it takes around 2 minutes! Some fiddeling revealed:
  • The conversion is the slow part. For example

    Code: Select all

    convert CR2:IMG_1234.CR2 IMG_1234.tiff 
    takes a minute to convert a 16MegaPixel file.
  • This conversion employs the ufraw tool.
My questions now are:
  • Is there a way to speed things up in ufraw? E.g. can I give more memory to ufraw or so?
  • Can I employ another RAW converter in ImageMagick? Does anybody have experience using in ImageMagick the normal Mac Os X converter (I think it's part of Quartz)? This should be much faster.
My ImagickMagick is version 6.7.2 installed via MacPorts

Many thanks for any pointer, Walter
Walter Dallaway
* Landscape and Architecture Photography
* Creativ Exposure with Tripod and HD

Re: Conversion of CR2 files is VERY slow

Posted: 2011-10-02T11:59:48-07:00
by fmw42

convert -version

shows OpenMP, the recompile IM without OpenMP and see if that helps. Some multi-processor systems have trouble with OpenMP and actually run slower.

Re: Conversion of CR2 files is VERY slow

Posted: 2011-10-06T05:06:47-07:00
by waldalla
Thanks for your suggestion, Fred

Code: Select all

convert -version
does indeed list the feature OpenMP. (This is actually the only listed feature.)

Not sure how to compile IM through MacPorts though. Don't you think

Code: Select all

is the culprit?

Thanks, Walter