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IMDisplay crashing from CLI or Shell/MSVCR100.dll

Posted: 2011-06-14T08:06:41-07:00
by ingo.braun
Hi there,
when running IMDisplay from the CLI, for example imdisplay xyz.dcx the following error occurs:

Code: Select all

IMDisplay MFC Application has stopped working

A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.
Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

Close program
When double-clicking the file xyz.dcx the same error occurs.

Manually opening the file in IMDisplay works.

The error is related to viewtopic.php?f=3&t=17720.
Is there a fix for ImageMagick-6.7.0-7, all versions are affected? The OS Win7-32 SP1 and Win7-64 SP1 are affected.

I have tried MSVCR100.dll, Version: 10.0.30319.1 and MSVCR100.dll, Version: 10.0.40219.1

Thanks for your help.

Re: IMDisplay crashing from CLI or Shell/MSVCR100.dll

Posted: 2011-06-14T08:36:54-07:00
by magick
IMDisplay is a contributed program that stopped working when ImageMagick was compiled with Visual Studio 2010. If we compile with Visual Studio 2008 it appears to work fine. It also seems to work if you use the File->Open menu. The ImageMagick developers are primarly Linux developers, for this problem we must rely on a knowledgeable Windows developer to track the source of this bug. Is it a problem with Vistua Studio 2010? Or is there a patch that would resolve the fault?

Re: IMDisplay crashing from CLI or Shell/MSVCR100.dll

Posted: 2011-06-15T07:35:16-07:00
by ingo.braun
We have tried to compile the actual Windows sources with Visual Studio 2008 under Windows 7 Professional x86. However the problem is, that IMDisplay is not compiled automatically.
When we try to compile IMdisplay from ...\ImageMagick-windows\ImageMagick-6.7.0\win2k\IMDisplay manually, we get get an error, that the project file is damaged.
The SHA256 sum of the .zip archive is correct.

Is there a guide, how to compile IMDisplay within Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 under Windows 7?
Because IMDisplay is under the directory win2k I assume that it has not been developed further since Windows 2000. Is it possible, that those CLI and shell errors derive from old sources and deprecated APIs in Windows 7 in those sources?

Is there anyone, who has got a working IMDisplay running under Windows 7, which is able to open files from the shell or from the CLI directly, instead of manually opening them with File->Open?

Thanks for an answer,