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Cannot convert to ICO when on NFS mount

Posted: 2011-05-20T01:50:25-07:00
by Airspray
I have a system where a drive is mounted with /etc/fstab: /mydir nfs auto,nouser,noexec,rw,hard,intr 0 0

If I run command `convert file.png file.gif` in /mydir/, I get the expected file.gif, but if I run the command `convert file.png file.ico`, I receive error "convert: unable to open image `file.ico': Invalid argument.", and file.ico is created with 0 file size.

When running command `convert file.png file.ico`in a local folder, convert happens as expected.

I'm running version 6.3.7, which is the latest version offered by Debian.

Re: Cannot convert to ICO when on NFS mount

Posted: 2011-05-22T02:42:13-07:00
by anthony
IM does not do anything special with regards to the file system. It just opens, reads and writes files. That is all.

It is more likely that something about the file system is reaching to the creation of the file.ico and not IM.

Try using some other program to create that file and should have exactly the same problem IM is reporting.