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Batch convert EPS to cropped JPG's with background color

Posted: 2011-03-28T13:03:42-07:00
by Batsman
Hi all,

I turned to IM for two specific tasks. At this point it's one down, one to go.
I Tried to find the info I need but I'm kinda lost on where to start, the number of options is overwhelming and I hope someone here can point me in the right direction.

Ok, so what's my goal. I have a number of EPS files that have to be converted to JPG as follows:

Original EPS looks like this:
These EPS files have whitespace surrounding the actual image. They also have a clipping path that defines the contours.

Now this is what I would like to achieve:
- The white background is to be replaced by a specific color (#FFFF32 to be exact)
- The image is to be cropped to the minimum image area
- <optional> The image is scaled down to a maximum of 1500x1500 px

Here is a link to an EPS file that has to be converted:
Bonbons (12 MB)

System info
- I'm using the DOS command prompt for now
- ImageMagick version: 6.6.8 Q16
- Ghostscript version: 9.01
- System: Windows XP Pro, SP3

Thanks in advance for the info :)

Re: Batch convert EPS to cropped JPG's with background color

Posted: 2011-03-28T13:24:43-07:00
by fmw42
This seems to work. Your image has transparency, so one has to be careful.

# first line: read image
# second line trim to minimum bounds and removes the larger virtual canvas
# see
# third line: resize if larger than 1500x1500 -- that is what the > means.
# see ... p#geometry
# fourth line: flatten the transparency against your yellow color background as jpg does not support transparency.
# see

convert Bonbons_2890524_50#1.eps \
-trim +repage \
-resize "1500x1500>" \
-background "#FFFF32" -flatten \

For windows users the line continuation \ is replaced with ^. see

If you need to do this with multiple images at once, then use mogrify instead of convert. But it is recommended that you create a new directory to hold the results (so in general as a good rule you do not override your originals if the same format). See

mogrify -path /fullpath2/newdirectory -format jpg -trim +repage -resize "1500x1500>" -background "#FFFF32" -flatten *.eps

Re: Batch convert EPS to cropped JPG's with background color

Posted: 2011-03-28T14:25:07-07:00
by Batsman
Wow ! That works :)

I only just tapped the last line at the command prompt and the result is exactely what I was after. Thanks a million :)

I'll look into this a little deeper tomorrow, really have to sleep now.

Re: Batch convert EPS to cropped JPG's with background color

Posted: 2011-03-28T17:46:31-07:00
by fmw42
Batsman wrote:Wow ! That works :)

I only just tapped the last line at the command prompt and the result is exactely what I was after. Thanks a million :)

I'll look into this a little deeper tomorrow, really have to sleep now.

The explanation is above the convert command. Look up each reference for each line to get a better understanding. Ask more questions if not clear.

Re: Batch convert EPS to cropped JPG's with background color

Posted: 2011-03-29T12:53:08-07:00
by Batsman
After reading up on the commands I'm beginning to see the logic somewhat :)
Thanks for the links to the relevant pages.

I do have an addition though for others who might be using the DOS command prompt or a windows batch file.
I made a batch file that is placed inside the image directory. When I run it all EPS files are converted and saved in a new directory

Say you have the EPS files in a directory, the output will be saved in a new folder inside that directory that is created with the following command line:

Code: Select all

if not exist %cd%\Jpgs_Max1500px mkdir %cd%\Jpgs_Max1500px
In English: If the output directory (Jpgs_Max1500px) does not exist, make it.
In this code %cd% represents the directory in which the EPS files and the batch files are located. Make sure the path to the folder does not contain spaces.

The command for IM is this:

Code: Select all

mogrify ^
-path %cd%\Jpgs_Max1500px ^
-format jpg ^
-trim +repage ^
-resize "1500x1500>" ^
-background "#FFFF32" ^
-flatten ^
If all the code above is pasted into a plain text document, and the .txt is renamed to .bat it's ready to do it's job

Re: Batch convert EPS to cropped JPG's with background color

Posted: 2011-03-30T15:53:44-07:00
by Batsman
Ok, I do have two additional questions. The first one is of minor importance but the solution would be welcome. The second is about compound clipping paths in the EPS files.

1. When using the following command:
mogrify -path %cd%/Jpgs_Max1500px -format jpg -trim +repage -resize "1500x1500>" -background "#FFFF32" -flatten *.eps
Would it be possible for IM to check whether the result already exists in the target directory ? So it only converts the EPS files that have no corresponding JPG in the output directory ("Jpgs_Max1500px" in this case) ?

2. This is more serious issue about the compound clipping path in the EPS files. I have this sample file of frying pans with a hole in the handle and the contours of these holes are defined by the compound clipping path.

The clipping path in the EPS is this:

The result after the IM command is this:

I did do a test by making my own EPS from a JPG
And this is the result.

This is the EPS:

And this is the result produce by IM:

The result from my own test is great ! But the culprit seems to be inside the frying pan EPS :(
I uploaded both EPS files in a zip that can be downloaded here (27.5 MB)

I hope some into EPS/illustrator can enlighten me on the difference between these two EPS file which yield different results in IM.

Thanks in advance :)

Re: Batch convert EPS to cropped JPG's with background color

Posted: 2011-03-30T18:36:33-07:00
by anthony
For removing transparency ('flattening') see [url]IM Examples, Remove Transparency[/url]

When defining clipping paths you need to reverse the direction of the path for holes. That would probably be why the hole failed for one but not the other.

It may be that the clipping path to clipping mask in IM needs a correction in the 'fill-rule' draw setting. But I have not looked at this.

NOTE that using clipping paths to define transparency of a object that is already drawn on a background color, is not a good way of removing that background color. The key to goo background transparency is handling anti-aliasing pixels correctly.
See Background Removal...

The one technique that has been developed to produce perfect results is the two background color method... ... background
But that is not possible from a single image!