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Another default PNG failure...

Posted: 2011-02-13T16:46:34-07:00
by anthony
Another PNG failure.

In IM Examples, Uniform 332 Colormap I generate a fully-opaque image with 256 colors. There is no alpha channel in the generated image, and no transparent colors.

Code: Select all

  convert -size 16x16 xc: -channel R -fx '(i%8)/7' \
                          -channel G -fx '(j%8)/7' \
                          -channel B -fx '((i>>3&1)|(j>>2&2))/3' \
          -scale 600% colormap_332.png
The current SVN IM (6.6.7-7), created a Index PNG (that is fine) but with one color square fully-transparent! When you see the image it is pretty obvious which square turned transparent!

Re: Another default PNG failure...

Posted: 2011-02-13T20:11:54-07:00
by glennrp
I've checked in a fix, r3597, to make the PNG encoder ignore bogus q->opacity values when image->matte is MagickFalse. I suppose it will be in IM-6.6.7-8.