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ImageStudio is invalid

Posted: 2011-02-12T09:52:09-07:00
by yecril71pl
ImageStudio is invalid, it contains 4 markup errors:
  • misplaced style
  • text input control "selected"
  • unquoted URL
  • misplaced /td
Moreover, the hyperlink to home under Image does not work: Not Found.

Note that the URL used by the site unnecessarily reveal implementation details (why /scripts/? why .cgi?)

Besides, there is a typo at the Links page:
Is: Computational Simdlation of Mdlti-Body Interactions with O(n) Scaling
Let: Computational Simulation of Multi-Body Interactions with O(n) Scaling

Re: ImageStudio is invalid

Posted: 2011-02-12T15:50:28-07:00
by magick
We have all the problems you reported fixed. Thanks.