compare -metric fuzz is wrong!

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compare -metric fuzz is wrong!

Post by anthony »

The compare -metric fuzz is suposed to implement the FUZZ formula

"%[fx:(100)*sqrt( ( (u.r-v.r)^2 +
(u.g-v.g)^2 +
(u.b-v.b)^2 )*u.a*v.a/3 + (u.a-v.a)^2 ) ]%%"

That is a 4 dimentional cone with alpha channel of the 3D color channel distance.
the 100 (for percent should be QuantumRange for the output image.


However it is clearly not using that formula...

compare -metric fuzz xc:white xc:blue null:
43690 (0.666667)

That wrong. This distance is Manhattan (taxi-cab) distance, without squares or square roots!

compare -metric fuzz xc:white xc:blue -alpha on null:
32767.5 (0.5)

That should NOT be the case.
As both colors are opaque the 'fuzz' distance should not change.
Opaque colors do not get further apart when alpha is enabled!
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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