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TIF won't print correctly

Posted: 2011-01-26T09:57:09-07:00
by pod_print
Running ImageMagick 6.6.1-10 2010-05-15 Q16 on Windows 2008 Server

Apologies of this is not the correct place to post this, please advise if it should be moved.

We are outputting a TIF and attempting to print it on a Creo RIP (CXP 6000 running version 4.1). The TIF as created by ImageMagick prints incorrectly (the image is sort of pixellated/scrambled, I can provide a scan if required) HOWEVER, if the TIF is simply opened and saved in another program manually e.g. Windows Picture Viewer, it prints fine.

Any advice?

Many thanks, Alex.

Re: TIF won't print correctly

Posted: 2011-01-26T10:06:25-07:00
by magick
It is likely the Creo RIP does not support the entire TIFF standard. ImageMagick creates a valid TIFF but not one that the RIP can process. You can try upgrading your version of ImageMagick and see if that makes a difference. Otherwise compare the TIFF structure of the image produced by ImageMagick and the one by Windows Picture Viewer. There is a program called tiffinfo. For example on our Linux box we get:
  • convert logo: logo.tif
    tiffinfo logo.tif

    TIFF Directory at offset 0x7f64 (32612)
    Image Width: 640 Image Length: 480
    Resolution: 72, 72 (unitless)
    Bits/Sample: 8
    Compression Scheme: LZW
    Photometric Interpretation: palette color (RGB from colormap)
    FillOrder: msb-to-lsb
    Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
    Samples/Pixel: 1
    Rows/Strip: 12
    Planar Configuration: single image plane
    Page Number: 0-1
    Color Map: (present)
    DocumentName: logo.tif
    ICC Profile: <present>, 3144 bytes