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Filename References - using @ with filepath

Posted: 2011-01-14T06:34:39-07:00
by dgan
I initially posted this on Users forum, however it was suggested by Anthony Thyssen to report this as a bug...

When the using the input filename option to reference another file containing a list of input files (by using the @ prefix on the filename), is there a way to specify a path as well as the reference filename?

This option works as expected if the reference file is in the active directory when convert is run as shown in this example:

convert @myFileList.txt “C:\Output Folder\myOutput.pdf”

These variations where I attempted to reference a file in another directory do not work:

convert @C:\TempFolder\myFileList.txt “C:\Output Folder\myOutput.pdf”
convert @”C:\Temp Folder\myFileList.txt” “C:\Output Folder\myOutput.pdf”
convert C:\TempFolder\@myFileList.txt “C:\Output Folder\myOutput.pdf”

I'm running convert via a shell execute from a third-party application where I don’t have control over the current directory when the convert is run, so I cannot resolve by just changing the directory.

I'm using version ImageMagick 6.5.4-2.

Is this a limitation, bug, or am I using the wrong syntax?
