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IM 6.6.5 in Win32 XP SP3-convert from png to jp2, alpha lost

Posted: 2010-12-01T06:31:49-07:00
by shelim
I am trying to convert png image via

Code: Select all

>convert.exe "example.png" -define jp2:rate=0.1 "example.jp2"
conversion from this


resulted in image trimed of alpha channel (in place of 0% alpha there were random garbages)

when I changed my command line to

Code: Select all

>convert.exe "example.png" -alpha On -define jp2:rate=0.1 "example.jp2"
there were still no changes, but when I changed to

Code: Select all

>convert.exe "example.png" -alpha Extract -define jp2:rate=0.1 "example.jp2"
the alpha was extracted properly (resulting in grayscale image)

Image Magick 6.6.5 Q16, prebuilt portable version, under Windows XP Service Pack 3 (x86)

Please excuse my poor english :)